Each month I feature an "appliance of the month" that will save you time and money while giving you GREAT health benefits IF it's used often.
In January, the "Slow Cooker" or "Crock Pot" was the appliance of the month. I have 2 Slow Cookers and use them often. They save me a TON of time in the kitchen which turns into a big money savings. Cost: $30
In February, the "Coffee Grinder" was the appliance of the month. While I don't drink coffee, it is a fantastic little appliance!! Cost: $20. I use it to make Freshly Ground Flax Seed, Freshly Ground Whole Wheat Cracked Cereal and Freshly Ground Oat Flour! The more you can make "freshly ground" whole grains, the better your food will taste and the more nutritious your meals will be! Invest in the great little appliance.